Carole M. Billiet, Luc Lavrysen & Jan Van den Berghe, “La spécialisation environnementale dans le monde judiciaire: trois regards complémentaires” [Environmental specialisation in the judiciary : three complementary perspectives], Energie – Environnement – Infrastructures 2017/12, Dossiers Actes du Colloque ‘Le droit pénal face aux atteintes à l’environnement. Actes du colloque tenus à la Cour de cassation de France les 1er et 2 juin 2017’, 49-54
This paper addresses the issue of environmental specialisation in the judiciary. Firstly, an overview is made of the occurrence and development of environmental specialisation in the judiciary worldwide, including a typology of specialisation structures observed and a discussion of trends and benefits. Secondly, an example of specialisation in the criminal sanctioning track is presented: the actual specialization in Belgium as illustrated by the environmental sanctioning practice of the First instance court of East-Flanders. Empirical data are provided. Thirdly, the attention turns to specialization in the administrative sanctioning track, using the example of the former Environmental Enforcement Court of Flanders. Until November 2015, this regional administrative court used to have legally trained judges as well as technical judges. This experience is discussed. Another point highlighted is the coordination between criminal and administrative sanctioning tracks, which works seamlessly.
Full publication (French) here.