Luc Lavrysen (ed.), Het milieuhandhavingsdecreet in de praktijk. Een jaar nieuwe milieuhandhavingspraktijk onder de loep [The Environmental Enforcement Decree in practice. Taking a closer look at one year of new vintage enforcement], Brugge, die Keure, 2010, 338p.
The First Environmental Enforcement Conference (Gent, 4 June 2010) discussed the first year of application of the new Flemish environmental enforcement legislation. The contributions of the different speakers are brought together in this book. Luc Lavrysen (Ghent University / judge in the Constitutional Court of Belgium) clarifies the field of application of the new environmental enforcement rules and the support provided for the development of environmental enforcement policy. Peter De Smedt (Ghent University / lawyer / Flemish High Council for Environmental Law Enforcement) discusses the proactive and remedial enforcement of environmental law through administrative sanctions and safety measures. Carole M. Billiet (Ghent University / vice-president of the Environmental Enforcement Court of Flanders) examines the role of the fining officer as a third player on the enforcement field, next to the public prosecutor and the criminal judge. Lastly, Hans Van Landeghem (Ghent University / lawyer) highlights the criminal enforcement provisions of the Flemish Environmental Enforcement Decree.